Wednesday, October 24, 2007

لا شيئ

الى حياتي المحبوسة بين أقفاص العبودية
الى روحي التي تنادي الحرية من أقاصي البلاد
الى قلبي المحطم من شظايا القنابل
الى جسدي المعذب بظلم العباد
الى ندى التي تجسد هذه الكلمات شخصها الباكي
اليك اكتب هذه الكلمات
اليك اكتب للاكتفاء الذاتي
فالانفرادية في الطبيعة شذوذ
والازدواجية فيكي مستحيلة
فاخذت الشذوذ لتكملي نفسا واحدة بجسد واحد
تريدين الكتابة والشهرة من غير تعب
تريدين خروج الكلمات دونما تفكير
تريدين الوافر والجاهز لتريحي الاعصابا
كل شيئ تريدينه بلا شيئ
ولا شيئ يأتي بلا شيئ

Sunday, October 21, 2007


it was 8:30 pm when i was watching to a ladies programme on alressala channel and dreamming like this dreams. i have alot of dreams want to move out from my mind to the real world but still there can`t go ouside. i don`t know why i can`t tarnslate it from ideas to physical, maybe fears from being a failure or being a stupied person when i`m doing this. i`m really disappointed and disorganised can`t write in this paragraph . anyway i`ll post it and in another time i`ll edit it when i`ll be in a good mood to write.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


I HOPE ALOT OF PEOPLE READ THIS AND DO SOMETHING FOR THAT. i know alot of us like starbucks, MAC, BK..... etc. but we should do something, shouldn`t we??
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته "
إعلانات صارخة ورسمية وقوية ومباشرة الآن في كل أنحاء أوربا وأمريكا ومفادها ‏
ساهم لبقاء إ إسرائيل !! في الأسواق وفي المطاعم: ساهم لإنقاذ إسرائيل ‏
رئيس شركة ستار بوكس للقهوة صّرح انه سيضاعف التبرعات لإسرائيل لقتل أوغاد
العرب !! (وهوالمعروف بأنه يدفع ملياري دولارسنوياً لإسرائيل من أرباح ستار
( شركة فيليب موريس ( المنتجة لسجائر مالبورو ) تدفع التبرعات بصفة يومية !!!
في كل صباح تدفع شركة فيليب موريس للسجائر ما مقداره 12% من أرباحها لإسرائيل
( ومدخني العالم الإسلامي يستهلكون سجائر من
فيليب موريس بقيمة 100 مليون دولار‏ :وعليه فإن مدخني العالم الإسلامي يدفعون
لإسرائيل كل صباح 12 مليون دولار ‏ )
تكلفة الطائرة اف 16 أحدث طراز نصف مليون دولار فقط يعني إننا ندفع قيمة 24
طائرة حربية يومياً
للأسف......... هم يجمعون التبرعات لقتل المسلمين بينما المسلمين ممنوعين من
>جمع التبرعات للجوعى والمجاعات ؟؟؟
>حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل ‏ ...
لقد أسمعت لو ناديت حيـا ولكن لا حياة لمن تنادِ
ولو ناراً نفخت بها أضاءت ولكنك تنفخ في رمـاد ِ
ستار بوكس STARBUCS
ماكدونالدز McDonalds '
برجر كينج BURGER KING
بيتزا هت PIZZA HUT
كوكا كولا COCA COLA
والقائمة يعرفها الجاهل قبل المتعلم ولكن لا حياة لمن تنادي
لنتوقف عن شراء البضائع الأمريكية والبريطانية فقط لشهر واحد ‏ !!!
أعد إرسال الرسالة لمن تعرف
أمريكا تخسر8.6 بليون دولار ب اليوم عندما لا تشتري بضاعتها فقط في شهر واحد
( فوفرها على نفسك و على بلدك)
أرجوك لا تنتظر، أرسلها لكل من تعرف
ثمنها 8.6 /7*30 = 36.68 بليون .........؟؟؟؟؟
أنا أعرف انك باستطاعتك فعلها، أرجوك أفعلها كمسلم حقيقي
أخبر إخوانك
لنوقف شراء البضائع الأمريكية والبريطانية فقط لشهر واحد شهر سوف تكون تكلفة
"هذاالشهر عليهم 8.6 /7*30=36.86 بليون
ملاحظة: منقول*

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


i was writing about another topic when my boss asked me to come and told me that i`ll stay in the same grade in thier company because i don`t have alot of experience " govermental company". what am i waiting from like this company? no appriciate no promotions no efficiencies also no brain. they don`t justify according to efficiency they look to your experience even it`s bad or good even it`s in the same major or not they just look what`s your instrumentality, who`s your back. is he this minister or that minister?? can you imagine that??

i asked an engineer if i can move to his company he replyed (as he said): " look for a ministry and let him talk to samer who is the one of VIP do anything for instrumentality and for my good luck i don`t know any minister and he said if u come strongly to this company u will continue strong and u will have a good salary.

at october 1st 2006 i had started my first work and when i came they gossipped that i have a strong instrumintality because how a new alumni girl start her working life in such work? and how has she this salary?? just they like to gossip. and for that for a year i had not talk to anyone just for work no goodmorning no good evening and no how are you :) it seems that i am hoity-toity ( nice word:)) but i am not. they are stupied, crazy and don`t work. they just work by talking about each other. imagine the working society that i live!! i know i have to look for anew job.

this news are not good to spend my weekend thinking of it. i planned to read a book " the most happiness woman in the world" i was really encouraged to read it and waiting this weekend but now i don`t know if i would do that or i would be the most happiness. imagine that my boss come now and asked me to call an engineer to give the plans!! after what they did with me. they don`t know anything about gusto. but for my luck i can be very coool although i am burning inside.
i am asking now where is my strong instrumentality now to improve my grade as they said??

note: forgive me if u found mistakes in the article, i wrote it in bad mood.


every day repeats itself. timing out the mobile alert at 7:00 am, waking up at 7:30 am imagine the noising from my alert. it had continued it`s ringing every 5 minutes for half an hour, and my sister beside of me screams wake up and stop ur alert from ringing for half an hour. this half an hour tells us alot of stories it`s a part of 24 hours that for years always happens. it`s something of unclear illegible thing. my eyes are completely closed and every 5 minutes when the alert ring i dream different dreams bad or happy alot of new dreams which means new different lives i live in this half an hour. i live at least 6 different lives every half an hour per day. working life ,social life , family life,national life, regional life and universal life are such examples about lives that i live in half an hour i do what i want i be my self i say my secrets without fears i have fairness there i see people i want, i eat , dress and play what i want you can not imagine what things i do and have there. at that moment i live whole of my life. for that half an hour i live i renew i restore and i revive. for that half an hour i smile to my boss, colleagues, co-workers, friends family and my next 24 .

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Imagine that some one special show his head from the door of your office while you are typing technical report by your computer and every thing in you is with this report, come and look in your eyes With a half smile means a lot of meaning, means sadness about some thing happened between you and had gone, happy for seeing you after along cutting and achieving what he wanted in the past and now he is asking you and his self what the result for this farness? Then he just says: how are you wesam? and while all of that which happened in 5 seconds you are just shocking can't say any thing just your eyes are looking directly to his eyes and entering his inside remembering a lot of memories you had shared that you prevent your self to remember for along time. Remember and remember, remember how much you laughed, how much you cried, how much you love, how much you hated, how much you were happy and how much you were sad, all of that happened just in 5 seconds. Ohh, 10 seconds back you for 365 day from your life which you were flying in the air and jumping from nice to nice and you didn't know what would happen to you after those days, u didn't know what was waiting you at that time. you were just eating, drinking and sleeping. No one knew what the end is. Long time had gone you don't know how days had gone after that, you remember every thing as it is happening now. How long was all of that, 5 years? Wow 5 years had gone without back. Every thing walk and don't be back every…. What was that voice? Oh my manager is asking me about the report and there was no any special person came it was memories came from that door and had left with close it.


I don't know if I can do it or just stay here no move made just like a constant body without a soul.... soul! What do I mean by soul? Do you know? Any body knows?! What is the soul truth? Is it the thing that gives life for human? If that’s the case, then I hate it. You know why? Because I Just Don't Like This Kind Of Living. I want draw the outlines of my life by myself, not what others are planning for me. I was created for to have freedom, created to fly, I want to fly between clouds, planets, stars and the seven skies until I reach to the seventh heaven and see god and ask him why did you create me? Why am I here in this life?, please forgive me and discharge me from this position, I don't want to be a human, maybe being an ant is better than being a human, kill and killed, hate and hated, envy and envied. I'm just writing here and there and nothing is finished every thing is waiting me to concern on to appear to this bad world. No matter how much I write the world will not change, contrarily, it will be worst than before, because no one wants to change, no one wants to scream and say:
I'm tired from all of these wars, I born on a scream of child who was killed, I suckled the politics instead of mother's milk, every moment I grew up, I grew up with affliction.
Every one keeps silent and no comment. Don't say X country is a freedom country there is no freedom in this world we are walking in a circle around ourselves. Don't you know the history is repeating its self? Now you will say oh she is upset girl oh she is crazy lab lab lab, but the right thing is that I'm thinking in this world but you don’t. Let me give you an advice: just give yourself 5 minutes every day for thinking about your life first then about your family, your city, your country, and finally about your world and you will know what I mean with my words.